Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2

OMG I am so exhausted! Yesterday my 45 minutes flew by and I felt great the whole time. Today... Not so much. I found I had to force myself to wait until the end of each song to look at time elapsed so that I didn't jump off the elliptical right then. This working out stuff is hard! And I think all of those peanut M & M's* are coming back to haunt me in the form of heart burn that killed me the entire time I was at the gym.
The good news is that I'm feeling the burn for reals now. All I have to do is make it to the gym on Friday and my goal for the first week of 2010 will be complete. What's that book with the little train that keeps going called? The Little Engine That Could? Definitely feeling like I need to read that before bed tonight.
On another note, guess what was on while I was at the gym?

Maddy blogged earlier here about this show, and wow. I had my iPod on but read all the captions. What a fabulous tribute to our society this one is... (Where's the sarcasm font when you need it?) Can I just say I am so thankful that I never put myself into the position these girls are in? Yikes.
As for my other goals: We haven't been speaking much French at home since Jared has been working every night and we don't see each other for more than 30 minutes in the morning but I have signed up to take French 2 at my local JC. I'm a little nervous and hoping that I'm not overbooking myself but I think that this is going to be the perfect semester to take it and get it over with. It's one more class that can go towards my Associate degree and or to transfer and will keep me in the groove with my Francais so that I don't lose it. Mr. T and I definitely want our (future, currently non-existant) children to have the same opportunity that he did and to do that we will have to speak French primarily at home and worry about English second. We'll see how that goes...

*A well meaning co-worker dropped a 56 oz, YES 56 ounce, bag of peanut M & M's on my desk today at work. I'll get him later.


  1. YES! Teen Mom is the greatest! Was it the one where the guy with the mullet cries, or the one where Amber abuses her fiance?

  2. It was the same one you posted about, leaving baby with her parents and going out to party for the night. Nice look at what real parenting is about MTV.
