Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Carrot Cake Cupcakes: Take 2

Back in April I took a crack at Martha Stewart's Carrot Cupcakes. As is obvious from the post, they weren't much to write home about.

A few weeks ago it was my BFF Sarah's birthday and when I asked her what her cupcake request was she said "I love Carrot Cake!" I was a little nervous.

You see, Sarah happens to come from one of the most culinarily-endowed (yes, I just made that up) families that I have ever met. I have never had a mediocre meal at Sarah's Mom's house. I have never had a mediocre meal that Sarah or her sis have made. And I had made mediocre carrot cupcakes in the past.  I took this new challenge on with a determination not to make Sarah sucky birthday cupcakes.

So what did I do you ask? Well, I went to someone else who I've never had a bad meal with. The Pioneer Woman. Sure, I haven't actually shared a meal with her but I've made a few of the recipes that she's blogged about and never had a bad one. As a matter of fact, my last post came from one of her blog posts. Back to the story, I clicked on the search tab on her site and typed in carrot cake which led me over to Tasty Kitchen.

There I found this scrumptious recipe.

It was clear from the beginning that this recipe was going to be a winner:

Batter pre-oven

(sorry guys, I don't know how this one got turned around after I uploaded it...)

Cooked Cupcakes

The Final Product

I've only made a handful of carrot cakes before but I have to say, this is one of the best I've ever tasted. It was nice and moist, not overly greasy and not too heavy. I thought the pineapple was a nice touch, though I'm sure you could safely skip it. The general consensus at the party seemed to be good, but then again, who is going to tell a stranger that their cupcakes suck?

Unfortunately Bretta wasn't a part of the festivities this time so there is no picture of the Birthday Girl and Bretta. This will have to suffice:

If you're wondering what's going on, Bretta is shoving her slobbery buffalo on me in hopes that I will play with her instead of taking pictures of her from the floor. Silly puppy.

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