Wednesday, July 21, 2010

30 Day Challenge! Day 1

I've been keeping up with my friend Mrs. A's 30 day challenge and now another friend is doing one over on Butterball Happenings is also doing one so I'm jumping in. Today will be the first post of my 30 day challenge!

About Mrs. T:

I grew up in a super small town with 6 brothers and 1 sister. My parents are separated but still live in a close vicinity of each other which is convenient for us! I really loved growing up with a large family and extended family. I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child because I was raised by one!
I moved out of my Mom's house when I was 17 to go to school in "the big city" which was pretty thrilling for me. I absolutely loved college but found it really difficult to juggle full time classes, life and full time work. Eventually work won out and I have been lucky enough to work for 3 great companies since I stopped going to school. I've also been really fortunate in finding some great mentors that have really taken care of me in my career, including my current boss.

I met Mr. T through my roommates (and his best friends) in 2004 for a brief second and then sort of "re-met" him the following year at my BFF N's birthday party. N was trying to fix up Mr. T and another mutual friend. Luckily for me that plan didn't work and Mr. T and I started dating in the Spring of 2005. Unluckily for me Mr. T and I started dating two weeks after he was accepted at an out of state university. So began our two year long distance relationship after only four months of dating. The only thing I can say for long distance dating is that your communication skills will be EXCELLENT afterwards and its a great test of trust. I couldn't have done it if I didn't have complete faith in Mr. T. Mr. T graduated in May of 2007 and moved home. He proposed in December of 2007 in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle in Disneyland (one of the pictures is in my header). We were married and moved in together in May of 2008.

Bretta, our bull dog, was born October 1 of 2008 and we adopted her December 13 of 2008.
 10 weeks old
So far marriage has been very similar and very different than I thought it would be. Two years later I can say that I am very happily married to a wonderful man and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

As far as interests go I'm pretty eclectic. I love baking (obviously) and crafts. Next month I will be learning to sew and quilt on a machine and I am really looking forward to that. I love babies and kids in general, I can't wait until Mr. T and I can start adding to our family with human kids. I love weddings and everything that goes into them, I used to want to own my own bridal shop. We'll see if that wish ever comes true. I love music and dancing, my taste is pretty eclectic from Country to Rap, R & B, Classical, Alternative, 80's hair bands and even some Disco.

I love where we live but I do miss my family a lot. I would love to live closer to home so that I could see my siblings, their kids, and my parents more often. Two of my best friends (N and my HLM Maddy) also still live in our home town so that makes it hard to be so far away!

I think that just about covers it. Let me know if I missed anything ;)

Couldn't resist one more picture of Baby Bretta. 

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